Effect of The green marketing philosophy in marketing performance improvement

Master Thesis submitted to the Council of the College of Administration and Economics / University of Karbala as part of a Master’s degree of Science in Business AdministrationBy
Ameer Ghanim al-Awadi
Dr. Alaa Farhan Taleb Prof. Dr. Abdul-Hussein Hassan

Abstract: This study urges to analyze the dimensions of the philosophy of Green Marketing and their influence in the improving of marketing performance. The researcher chose ( Al-Frat State Company for Chemical Industries ) located in Babil Governorate as a successful and pioneer Company in the manufacturing of Chemical Materials in the Country .Since it also continuously urges to work on the presenting of products which satisfy the needs and wishes of customers , the Company also works on the decreasing of the environmental harms .The company depended the environmental guidelines to achieve the competitive advantage for it in the field of Chemical Material Manufacturing . The philosophy of Green Marketing is considered one of the modern concepts on the level of business Organizations , the application of this philosophy works on the achieving of the successful and active Marketing Performance for business Organizations since it urges to achieve customer satisfaction through presenting of products which satisfy their needs and wishes besides the achieving of the profits for the Organization , the work on non harming of the surrounding environment and the decreasing of natural resources wasting . The Problem of the Study is represented about the role of the philosophy of Green Marketing in the success of the work of business Organizations in the improving of Marketing Performance and the achieving of the competitive advantage for it among the competitive Organizations in the field of Industry. To achieve the goal of this study an objection has been made for it which demanded assumptive planning reflects the influential relationships among the dimensions of the philosophy of Green Marketing and the improving of Marketing Performance which produces a group of main assumptions and secondary assumptions which come from the main ones reflecting the correction of those relationships. The studies depended on a group of statistic tools and styles which have been used for the analyzing of data which had been gotten in the application aspect of the study. The Study concluded many conclusions they are: 1- The researched Company should adopt the philosophy of Green Marketing with its dimensions as it is a concept works on the increasing of its productive and marketing competence , it also works on the decreasing of wasting and damaging of energy and the resources possible for it , not considering them as un necessary costs . 2- The study has shown that Al-Frat State Company for Chemical Industries differs in the adopting of the dimensions of the philosophy of Green Marketing and differs in the adopting of Marketing Performance notes which clearly appeared through the statistic analysis. 3- The Statistic results of the study discovered the existence of positive and figurative connection relationship among the dimensions of the philosophy of Green Marketing and the notes of Marketing Performance. 4- The Statistic results has also shown that the dimension of philosophy of Green Marketing have figurative effect relationship with the Marketing Performance. The Study also presented many recommendations fit the presented conclusions they are: 1-The modern Organizations should adopt the dimensions of Green Marketing to keep a clean environment and satisfy the needs and demands of customers. 2- The researched Company should use the modern scientific methods about how to remove the industrial wastes resulted by their productive and marketing operations for the decreasing of pollution in the surrounding environment, one of these methods is the healthy burying. 3- The researched Company should design their products in away fits the environmental needs, non harming of the environment and needs ,demands and wishes of costumers .Working on the redesigning of these products quickly in case of costumers tastes changing or the environmental circumstances . 4- The researched Company should adopt the dimensions of Green Marketing correctly which makes it the company of special performance and products in the environmental demands, the needs and wishes of costumers.