Effect of the strategic entreprenurship to achieve the strategic status of the organization through organizational improvisation.

( Analytic   study of the views of a sample of employess in the private banks in provinces the middle AL-furit)

A Thesis Submitted to the Council of the College of Administration & Economics , Kerbala University in partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Philosophy Doctor in Business Adiministration Sciences .


 Adel Abass Abed Hussein

Under The Supervised    

  Professor Dr.  Akram Muhsin AL-Yasiri

The study adressed the role that could be played improvisation organizational in enhancing the impact of the strategic entreprenurship to achieve  The strategic status, and in order to achieve this goal has been the expression of strategic entreprenurship , as an independent variable Through the dimensions of (entrepreneurial culture, entrepreneurial leadership, entreprenurship mindset,strategic management  resources) .                                                                                                                                            
       As has been the organizational improvisation express a variable as a mediator through the dimensions of ( bricolage, intutitive, innovation, adaption, creativity, opportunity, risk perception ,and spontaneity).
while the expression of the strategic status as a dependent variable through the dimensions of (voicing and shaping of  expectations,social networks,formation,andlearningprocesses).                
     the study summarized the problem of a set of questions, what was the most important role in the achievement of organizational improvisation most suited strategic niche and the nature of the current situation of the banks studied in the light of its performance and practices.
It was selected representative sample of( 280) people representing leaders and workers in the private banks in the middle AL-furit  provinces, as it owns more than( 70%) of them expertise of (16-26)years.
     this study adopted analyzing descriptive statistical means (frequencies, percentage, weighted arithmetic mean, standard deviation) as well as was the use of inferential statistics (coefficient of variation,  , interpretation coefficient, pearson correlation coefficient). It has been using a range of statistical significance tests (test T, test F, the  factor analysis), as well as the use of the program (SPSS v.16) to extract,financial  indicators.
     among the results of the study to adopt practices and philosophy of organizational improvisation compared to the official practices based on procedures and routines contribute to building a well-developed philosophy of improvisation and organizational scenarios and capabilities creative and bold , lead to a change in the strategic status of the private banks studied, and then close the gap. The study found a set of recommendations depend on the results of the study .