EvaIuation Of the economic performance of the Najm Al-Huda Dairy Company Ltd. in the holy Karbala Governorate Al-Ma’malji for the period ((2017 – 2018 ))

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Mohammed Redha Kazem Al-Taie

A  Research Is Presented  To  CoIIege   of   Eeonomics  and   Administration  of  KarbaIa  University  with Is  From   Requirement   to  Have  High  DipIoma  Certification  in  Economics


Assistaut prof dr Sultan Jassim Sultan Al-Nasrawi

The industrial sector is one of the important sectors for any country in the world, especially developing countries that seek to achieve the process of economic development, and that the development of this industry sector and good attention to it requires the development and attention to economic units. Therefore, we find that the process of evaluating the economic performance of economic units is gaining great importance for many Countries, because of their positive results, are reflected on the performance of economic units’ activity.

And based on the above, the researcher conducted the evaluation process of the economic performance of Najm Al-Hoda Dairy Company for the period (2017-2018). The industrial zone (Al-Ma’malji) was taken from Karbala Governorate as our location, as this company is one of the companies whose products cover most of the central Euphrates governorates with what it owns From previously productive lines, at the current time its production was limited to two production lines, and when the researcher conducted the economic performance evaluation process by applying indicators and standards, it was found that the company had good productive capacities through the results that were reached when applying the indicators and standards as well as the emergence of some problems that led to the occurrence Deviations from achieving the goals that the company seeks to achieve, and among these problems is the problem of transferring raw materials from outside the country, as well as changing exchange rates, and the entry of similar imported products into the company’s products without supervision, imposing customs restrictions and other problems. In order to address these problems, a number of measures have been taken, including a procedure. The periodic evaluation of the company and the provision of recommendations through which the company can be promoted to advanced levels.