Human resources development strategy and its role in building a smart organization
An analytical study of the opinions of a sample of the higher administrations in the private colleges and universities in the holy city of Karbala
A Thesis Submitted to   
The Board of College of Administration and Economics/ University of Karbala in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of master in business management Sciences

Ahmed saeed saleh
Supervised by
Professor Fouad Hamoudi ALAttar


       The human resource development strategy is one of the foundations of the organizations that participate in developing their own resources. Our tagged “Human Resources Development Strategy and its Role in Building the Smart Organization” was chosen as an analytical research for a sample of the views of higher departments in private colleges and universities in the holy Karbala Governorate. As the dimensions of the independent variable were expressed by (employee training, career path planning and development, and employee orientation) and the dimension of the dependent variable with (strategic vision, shared destiny, collective commitment, knowledge development, desire for change, order and alignment, and performance pressure), it came The sample is consistent and consistent with research variables, as it is one of the most important tributaries that provide society with human knowledge and competencies.

The research was based on a problem that was represented by the question: (What is the nature of the relationship between the human resource development strategy and the smart organization(?

To answer this question requires clarifying the theoretical and practical aspects of these variables because they are considered one of the important topics for business organizations, the research sample was (Ahl Al-Bayt University, Hussein College of Engineering, Al-Safwa College, Ibn Hayyan College, Tuff College, Al-Ameed University University and Warith Al-Anbiya University) Distribute (119) forms, from which (100) forms were returned, which are valid for statistical analysis. The sample formed the higher departments in colleges and universities.

The researcher reached a set of conclusions, the most prominent of which are: There is a real interest and desire for change, as workers with expertise who have a great role in transforming their colleges into smart organizations are employed through following an appropriate strategy to develop the human resource. In addition, the research presented a set of appropriate recommendations and implementation mechanisms, the most important of them: It is preferable to set a set of appropriate standards for engaging employees in training courses, providing them with knowledge and spreading the spirit of cooperation between them, and urging them more to work together.

Key words: strategy, human resources, smart organization