Marketing decision support systems and promotional mix and their role in the rationalization of consumer behavior Comparison study In Iraqi Banks
A Dissertation Submitted to
the Council of Administration and Economics, karbala University in
a partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of (Ph.D.) in
Science of Business Administration
Ali Mahmood Ali Samaka
Supervised By
Prof. Dr. Moayad Abdul Hussen Alfadil

The Current study aims to Rationalize the banking consumer behavior by
recruitment and using marketing decisions support systems, as a measure
directed inward taken by the bank,and using promotional mix as a measure
taken by the bank towards the outside prompt, to influence consumer behavior,
as well as study and analysis,important and role of marketing decisions support
systems and promotional mix in the rationalization of consumer behavior,and
the extent of The study sample banks variation in the adoption of the study
variables, Starting in that from the dual nature of the problem, It consists of two
parties Including Both the Banking Service Provider, which it is includes the
surveyed banks Administration, Where suffers from lack of awareness of the
role and importance of Investment promotional mix elements, and Components
of marketing decisions support systems in the rationalization of the Purchasing
behavior of the consumer banking , and it is reflected on the other side of the
problem,which it includes bank customer,and make him characterized by being
irrational in his behavior, and enhanced identification the problem , execution
first reconnoitering study on a sample of the public in the province of Najaf .
In order to achieve the objectives of the study, It was built adefault scheme,
specify the nature of the relationship between the independent
variables(marketing decisions support systems and promotional mix),and
Adopted variable(consumer behavior), Emerged with it several main
hypotheses, and branches from it several sub-hypotheses, show contrast and
Correlation and effect relationship between the variables of the study.And the
study sample has been selected of (366) employees, mostly occupants
represents upper and middle management positions, in six Iraqi banks, three of
which government and three other civil scattered, in four Iraqi provinces in the
middle Euphrates, The provinces of Karbala, Najaf and Babil, Qadisiyah, and
the questionnaire form with interviews style has been adopted to support the
accuracy of the data contained therein, also the appropriate sets of statistical
techniques and Operations Research methods has been used to collect and
analysis the obtained data, In order to validate the assumptions, by using
software Like ( SPSS v.18 ) And( AMOS v.18 )And( Microsoft Office Excel
ver.10 ). The study found Several conclusions, the most important : That the
surveyed banks have moderately marketing decisions support systems and
promotional mix and not at the required level, there is also a significance
correlation with the impact between marketing decision support systems and
promotional mix from side,with the rationalization of the banking consumer
behavior on the other side, furthermore, existence of significant differences
between answers of researched sample, About the study variables between the
two bank type categories (governmental and private) returns to
category(governmental banks), Which means the adoption and interest the
governmental banks with marketing decisions support systems and promotional
mix, larger than private banks,also the use of operations research contributes to
solving marketing problems, Including the problem of the study, The study also
found a set of recommendations and proposals perhaps the most important: the
need to increase the effectiveness and efficiency to support marketing decisions
in the banking systems (government and private) of the study sample, wage
laborers prompt to within regulatory limits for these banks, so as to rationalize
the personnel decisions in order to influence the purchasing behavior of
customers. As well as interest in the banking promo mix all the components
and the adoption of an effective tool addressed to the outside of the
organizational boundaries of the study sample banks, contribute to changing
the consumer purchasing behavior in a positive way.