Maximize the sustainable value to the customer through the adoption of a holistic marketing philosophy

A analytical Study of Sample opinion from manager in branches Al-Rafideen Bank In Babylon

A Thesis Presented To

The Council Of Administration and Economics College

in Karbala ‘a University

As a Part Of Requirements for Degree In The Business Administration


Fatima Hussein Kadhim

Supervised by


The environmental changes witnessed by the Iraqi organizations wave a highly competitive paid to adopt strategies that enable them to survive and grow and achieve success and keep up with the environmental challenges of contemporary and future where This study sought to employ the framework of the philosophy of marketing holistic impact on the achievement of sustainable value to the customer , in order to achieve this, the adoption of deportation Marketing holistic (integrated marketing , internal marketing , marketing relations , marketing performance ) , was the expression of sustainable value to the customer dimensions ( the acquisition of the customer , to keep the customer , expanding the customer ) , the study tried to answer several questions including Is there a correlation and the impact of marketing holistic sustainable value to the customer?    The study sought to achieve a set of goals, including:

1 – explore the trends and practices adopted by the bank under examination and analysis of the relationship between the dimensions of holistic marketing and sustainable value to the customer has a role in providing directions that help senior management in banks to improve their performance catalog.
2 – deepen understanding of the importance of the customer for the bank and its impact respondent actor in achieving sustainable value , through the achievement of satisfaction and loyalty and maintain it.

    For the purpose of achieving the objectives of the study was to build a default scheme determines the nature of the relationship between the independent variables ( Marketing totalitarian Bmngarath ) and adopted ( sustainable value to the customer Bmacheradtha ) and the origin of the two hypotheses main points , I miss them several hypotheses subset show correlation and influence between the variables of the study . Was chosen as the Rafidain Bank and its branches in the province of Babylon society for the study and testing of hypotheses , as study sample consisted of 60 members of the department managers and the people in the bank respondent adopted form questionnaire for this purpose as well as personal interviews in order to support the accuracy of the data resolution .
And used a range of statistical methods in the analysis of data and extract the results relying on software (SPSS18 for windows) and the study found a set of conclusions in the side of the field , including:

1- There is a correlation statistically significant differences between holistic marketing dimensions and sustainable value to the customer dimensions .
2- No significant effect of the moral dimensions of holistic marketing in sustainable customer value dimensions .

  The study concluded with a number of recommendations including :
1 – The need to adopt management bank respondent to the philosophy of marketing totalitarian and work to embody , through the inclusion of the Bank’s vision and mission , and must work to build a culture of banking embodies the philosophy of marketing totalitarian , and published in the bank and make the workers believe in them and embody in their daily as well as directing and coordinating the management philosophy Supreme with the philosophy of marketing.
2 – banks need to pay attention to the management of all aspects related to the development of the service , particularly the polls for customers to evaluate the quality of service and customer satisfaction follow-up and quality services to banks and other complaints of serious attention and customers to adopt planning to upgrade or improve the quality of service provided.