Measurement and analysis of human development paths in Iraq for the period 1990-2010

A Thesis Submitted By

Sadiq Abbas Rahee Al-husnawe

To The Council of Administration and Economics Faculity

 University of Karbala

As Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For The

Degree of Master of Science in Economics

Supervised ByAsst. Prof. Dr. Munadhil Abbas Al-jowari

     The end of the twentieth century re-interest economic and social issues and politics after decades of effort developmental national and international levels to lift developing countries out of poverty and underdevelopment, produced economic conditions and social and political formed significant obstacles faced and still facing the process of development in the broadest sense in those countries.
           This study started from the premise that the construction of a society where there are high-level comprehensive development characterized earmarked the broad scope of their economic and humanitarian choices achieved by enabling human capacity and undermine the practices that would lead to human deprivation. This study involved three chapters as first chapter discusses the concept of human development of intuitive Man is the maker of development is its goal, and that economic growth is not a goal in itself but a means to improve human life as well as increasing opportunities in education and training, health care contained evidence synthesizer measure the breadth Options economic and humanitarian world countries within the areas of dilated in defining the concept of human development or develop content through the paths successive varied with time and differing ideologies, focusing on the sustainability of the positive results and the reduction of practices that lead to the impoverishment of people and work to strengthen the principles of dignity, security and equality, freedom and environmental sustainability in light of focus on the interrelationships of the economic and social factors, political, environmental and who plays where governments play a key role whatever through the development of the necessary policies that focus on providing the necessary funding to be spent on creating physical infrastructure and human and social measures to build a base far-reaching in the overall development . As part of this was considered in the second quarter to the reality of human development in Iraq through economic growth trends and input indices of health, education and environmental situation and the diversity of poverty, as well as other pathways of human development and shown by the researcher in the form of challenges represented axes attract a range of key constraints to achieve the advanced level of human development, has been used in the third chapter the relationship dynamic between the study variables and using the method quantitative analytical through equation multiple linear regression, for this study will provide assistance to the possibility of direct economic and social policies aimed at raising the level of human development in Iraq.