Perceived value to customers Bank 
A comparative study of a sample of managers and customers of commercial and governmental commercial banks in the holy governorate of Karbala

To the Board of the Faculty of Management and Economics at the University of Karbala, which is part of the  requirements for obtaining a master’s degree in finance and banking

A letter submitted by
Howraa Zaki Hamid Kazem
Supervised by
Assistant Professor Dr
Abdul Fattah Jassim Zaalan


This study seeks to determine the impact of the use of Buzz marketing in building the perceived value of customers (a comparative study of a sample of managers and customers of commercial and governmental banks in the holy governorate of Karbala), In order to achieve this, the dimensions of buzz marketing (noise creation, product seeding strategy, ideas cultivation and incentives for participation) were adopted. The perceived value of customers was expressed by their variables (quality of service, price, mental image),  Through the selection of a number of managers and customers of vital banks and leading in the province of Karbala, which provides services to a wide segment of customers.

In order to achieve this study, a methodology has been developed that requires the design of a procedural model that reflects the nature of the relationships between the buzz marketing and the perceived value of the customers. In order to uncover the nature of the relationship, the hypotheses that reflect these relations

The hypotheses of the study were formulated as follows:

1-There is a statistically significant correlation between  buzz marketing and its dimensions and the perceived value of the customer from the point of view of both the bank management and customers.

2- There is a relationship between the relationship between buzz marketing and its dimensions and the perceived value of the customer dimensions from the perspective of both the management of the bank and customers.

A number of hypotheses emerged from these hypotheses. The study was conducted through the selection of a sample of the banking organizations represented by (Rafidain Bank, the Real Estate Bank, the Islamic Investment Bank, the Bank of Assyria, the Iraqi National Bank, the Iraqi Union Bank, Bank of Credit, Bank of Babylon, International Development Bank, Iraqi Bank of Trade, Investment Bank, National Islamic Bank).

The sample questionnaire was selected. The sample consisted of (400) questionnaires, 68 of which were allocated to managers and managers of the banking operations departments, 301 were identified to customers, 31 were lost and some statistical analysis methods were used To measure and test the relationship and direction between the variables of the study.

Advanced statistical methods have been used as simple and multiple correlation coefficients to measure correlation between variables,(T) to determine the significance of this relationship, and the coefficient of determination or interpretation (R2) to explain the effect of the independent variable in the dependent variable, and (f) to determine the significance of the regression equation.

Thus, the study reached a set of theoretical and field conclusions. Based on the conclusions of the study, a set of recommendations were presented in line with these conclusions.

The most prominent of these conclusions were:

1- There is interest by the management of banks to provide their services through social networking networks as well as through the use of the word by mouth to promote its various services.

2- lack of accurate understanding of the mechanism of the work of buzz  marketing as a promotional means reflect the services provided by banks in order to enhance the perceived value in the minds of customers.

The main recommendations were:

1- The researcher recommends that the government and private banks study the need to pay attention to the precise work mechanism for the buzz marketing of the link and provide qualified personnel capable of dealing with such modern marketing mechanisms.

2-The establishment of many development and training courses for employees and decision-makers in order to deal properly with modern marketing methods, including buzz marketing associative..

3- The researcher believes that realizing the perceived value of customers is through the provision of good services and provide good restrooms and air conditioning and good handling by employees with customers, which reflects the positive image of the bank.