Process Re-engineering And Its Effects On The Organization Excellence An exploration Study in State Company for Automotive & Equipment Automobile and Specialty Vehicle Factory in Alexandria
Research Submitted to the Faculty of Management and Economic/ University of Karbala as Part of the Requirements for Obtaining the of Higher Diploma inProjects Management
Alaa Abdul Razak Daidan
Supervisor by
Assistant professor
Dr. Sahar Abbas Hussain

The current study aims to test process re-engineering with its dimensions (investment in technology, strategic alignment, process redesign, innovative re-thinking, customer focus, and change management) and its impact on organizational excellence through its dimensions (leadership, strategy, human resources, organizational structure). By applying the study to a sample of working individuals from the employees of the General Company for Automobile Industry and Equipment (the Automobile Production Factory and Specialized Equipment at its headquarters in Alexandria, where the simple random sample method was used on the researched organization with (131) employees, we collect data on the practical aspect. For the study using a questionnaire form that was designed guided by previous measures and used a set of statistical methods for the purpose of analyzing the results related to the questionnaire, including (weighted arithmetic mean, standard deviation, Vakronbach coefficient, simple regression analysis, we use the simple correlation) and with the help of the statistical program SPSS. The practical aspect is the existence of a correlation and influence for the re-engineering of processes p To organizational excellence, where the strongest relationship between each dimension of innovative rethinking and organizational excellence, followed by the relationship between change management and organizational excellence, then comes the relationship between process redesign and organizational excellence, and then comes the relationship between focus on customers and organizational excellence, and comes in order The fifth is the correlation relationship between investment in technology and organizational excellence, and then it comes to the last place after strategic alignment.
The study presented a set of recommendations, the most prominent of which is (it is necessary to take into account the requirements and desires of customers by the organization through redesigning the processes and evaluating their operational processes, and the organization must work to provide moral and material support for innovation processes and prepare all the technological requirements and logistical equipment necessary to develop the skills of the working personnel and train them to keep pace with progress. Accelerated methods of administrative and technical alike, and to achieve this, the research organization must adopt a policy of re-engineering operations with a high
Key words: process re-engineering, organizational excellence