Psychological Perspective of the Career Plateau and its reflections on the Philosophical Pillars to Human Resources Strategies

Descriptive Analytic Study in A Sample From Iraqia Organizations 

A thesis

Submitted by

Saadia Haief Kadhum Al-Sultani

To the Council of College of the Administration and Economics/

University of Karbala

As a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the PH.D

Degree in Business Management 

Supervised by


 Akram Muhsin Al-Yasiry

This study deals with three variables: psychological reflections of the career plateau, career plateau, and strategies of human resources. These were considered three variables for the purposes of the academic research. Measurement of these variables is taken separately to show the reflection of each one over the other. In reality, reflections of the Career Plateau Variable are the effect or reflection on the plateau on the “Human Resources Strategies”. Thus, it is impossible to separate between the psychological reflections of the plateau from the career plateau and they should be considered two independent variables. These variables are intellectual variables that examine the intervention of these variables by reaching then interpretive variable (career plateau) on the study variable (Human Resources Strategies).These interventions are psychological reflections through which feelings of employees are conveyed by the reflections of the career plateau. This will help draw appropriate strategies to reduce the risk of career plateau on employees. The study is used in three areas (Municipality, Higher Education, and Health) in Babil province. Study sample are (180) individuals chosen from the study population.

The study is initiated in response to a problem caused by Law 22 of 2008 which led to employees got plateaued.

The goal of the study is to examine the chosen samples that are under the effect of career plateau, or about to be under this effect, the difference between study samples in their ability to realize content thinking, the importance and effect of the career plateau and their psychological state, and efficiency of the human resources strategy.

The importance of the study lies in the fact that it explores the psychological aspects of plateaued employees and elderly that most concerned managements overlook. It also has an effect on future adoption of human resources strategies that avoid plateauing of employees as far as possible.

The nature of the study is non-parametric. For this reason it is required to explore the disparity among study samples on the Kruskal- Wallis Test as a proper statistic non-parametric tool which is used to find the difference between more than two samples after inserting study data and extracting the average and range of employee responses.

The study came out with the conclusion that the career plateau is really existed and it is common and is connected to negative results at the organization and individual levels. It is s a problem that worsens taking into consideration the importance of promotion to employees since it is considered the main concern for employees. The study also provides suggestions in addition to the observations of the researcher.