Sensory Marketing And Its Role In Achieving Entrepreneurial Orientation  Of Organizations
Exploratory Study To A Sample Opinions From Employees In
 Al-Kfail  Specialist Hospital

A Dissertation Submitted
The Council Of The College Of Administration And Economy
University Of Karbala
 In Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirements  For
The   Degree  Of Master Of   Sciences In   Business  Administration

Haytham Fakhir Hussein Al – Awadi
Supervised By
PROF: Fouad Hamoudi Alattar


    The objective of this study is to analyze the dimensions of sensory marketing and its role in achieving the Entrepreneurial Orientation  for Organizations, The dimensions of sensory marketing were expressed by (visual marketing , Auditory marketing , Olfactory marketing , Gustative marketing , Tactile marketing), While the expression was the made upon Entrepreneurial Orientation  Of  Organizations in dimensions (Innovativeness, Risk-taking , Proactiveness , Competitive aggressiveness , Autonomy ) The researcher chose Al-Kafeel Speciality hospital in Karbala as one of the successful Entrepreneurial Orientation in the health section.

As it continuously seeks to provide the best services, meet the needs and desires of customers and compete with global services by reducing travel cases for treatment abroad. The hospital has relied on marketing, which addresses the senses and feelings and its relationship to its Entrepreneurial Orientation to compete strongly and is one of the organizations that have the largest market share.

    The study began with a problem expressed by the main intellectual and practical question (What is the role of sensory marketing in achieving the Entrepreneurial  Orientation  of Al-Kafeel Speciality hospital?) The aim for is question is to devise the intellectual semantics of these variables, and the necessary information was obtained through the questionnaire prepared for this purpose. Opinions were polled upon (261) people representing (senior management, department  heads, sections heads, unit’s heads, doctors, administrators and technicians). The importance of the study is to define the nature and concept of sensory marketing, which is still vague for administrators in general and marketers in particular, and to show the role of the five senses in marketing and take into account to attract customers, which positively reflects the Entrepreneurial Orientation  Of  Organizations.  The main objective of this study is to identify the reality of the application of sensory marketing, the Entrepreneurial Orientation  and the extent of adoption them by the Al-Kafeel Speciality hospital, In order to achieve this, the hypotheses of the study were formulated with two main hypotheses, from which several sub-hypotheses related to correlation relations and trends of influence between the variables of the study. The study relied on a set of statistical tools and methods used to analyze the data obtained in the practical aspect of the study.

The study has come out with a conclusions the most important of which is that: the employees of Al-Kafeel Speciality hospital in the field of study have a high awareness of the dimensions of sensory marketing and the dimensions of  Entrepreneurial Orientation  . All of its paragraphs achieved high and moderate levels, mostly high. This indicates the application of this type of marketing, As a marketing approach by itself.

This study gives some recommendations in terms of sensory marketing according to the conclusions, like :The management of the hospital requires increased attention to and expansion of the hospital gardens, which promotes visual marketing, the interest of quiet music to attract auditors, increase the ability of employees to deal with customers, the use of influential words and interest in the use of perfumed scents and sterilization, the promotion of meals for patients of high quality, the use of materials with soft texture For objects and direct contact with the customer.

As for the Entrepreneurial Orientation  , the most important of which is : The promotion and encouragement of employees to provide everything innovative, increase the effectiveness of their creativity and carry the high risks in providing new and innovative health services, as it will achieve revenues and profits, enhance the hospital’s response to critical medical situations, and develop flexible strategies to exploit opportunities and confront threats. And increase the area of autonomy granted to each department.