Strategic flexibility and its role in achieving Marketing Ambidexterity

Analytical research of the views of a sample of workers in the General Company for Textile and Leather Industries( Textile and weaving factory Wasit)

A Thesis Submitted to   

The Board of College of Administration and Economics/ University of Karbala in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of master in business management Sciences


Hazim Rebh Najm Al Ghunaimi

Supervised by


Fouad Hamoudi AL-Attar


This research aims to identify the effect of strategic flexibility with its dimensions (market flexibility, productivity flexibility, competitive flexibility) in achieving marketing ambidexterity with its dimensions (exploring opportunities, exploiting opportunities, marketing flexibility) in the General Company for Textile and Leather Industries The problem of the research (the lack of use of strategic flexibility leads to weakness in marketing ambidexterity from the researched factory), and highlights the importance of research in diagnosing the impact of strategic flexibility dimensions in achieving marketing ambidexterity dimensions. In order to achieve the objective of the research, a sample of department directors, divisions and unit officials in Wasit Textile and Knitting Factory was selected .The researcher relied on the questionnaire as a tool to collect the necessary data. The research community reached (4353) employees and a random sample of (230) managers was targeted. Two main hypotheses, of which six sub-hypotheses emerged, were subjected to statistical analysis, where many statistical methods were used, most notably (exploratory factor analysis, Kolmogorov -Smirnov test to determine the extent to which the data are subject to normal distribution, weighted mean, standard deviation, simple correlation coefficient, Regression coefficient Multiplayer). The research reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which is the existence of a significant correlation and impact relationship between strategic flexibility and its dimensions and marketing ambidexterity in its dimensions, which indicates that the researched factory can benefit from the strategic flexibility in its dimensions if it is to improve its marketing ambidexterity. The research presented a set of recommendations, the most important of which should be the management of the researched factory to adopt strategic flexibility dimensions (market flexibility, productivity flexibility, competitive flexibility) in order to explore and exploit the current and future marketing opportunities in order to achieve the objectives of the factory and customers. A set of mechanisms have been put in place to implement the recommendations, including the development of new production lines that meet the needs of markets, the application of comprehensive quality standards, attention to research and development, and the adoption of effective marketing activities.

Key terms: strategic flexibility, marketing ambidexterity.