Strategic Leadership And It’s Effect In Competitive Advantage

Master Thesis submitted to the Council of the College of Administration and Economics / University of Karbala as part of a Master’s degree of Science in Business Administration

Ali Khathum Hussin Al-Shurufy
prof.Dr Alaa Farhan Talib

The study sought to determine the impact of strategic leadership in achieving competitive advantage in one of the Iraqi industrial companies, the General Company for Textile Industries / Hilla, focusing on a problem that can be identified in (Does strategic leadership affect the achievement of competitive advantage) and more specifically trying to answer the following questions that constitute The whole problem of the study. 1- Is there a statistically significant correlation between the study variables? 2- What is the impact of strategic leadership on competitive advantage? 3- Does strategic leadership differ in terms of its roles in achieving competitive advantage? The study dealt with achieving a goal represented in testing the relationship and impact between strategic leadership and achieving competitive advantage, and more specifically, it aims to: 1- Determining the nature of the roles played by the strategic leadership in the company (under study). 2- Determining the role played by strategic leadership in achieving competitive advantage. 3- To test the relationship and influence between strategic leadership and competitive advantage. For the purpose of achieving the objectives of the study, a hypothetical model was built that determines the nature of the relationship between the independent variable (strategic leadership) in terms of its roles and the dependent variable (competitive advantage) in terms of its dimensions. Two main hypotheses emerged from it, from which several sub-hypotheses emerged showing the correlation and influence relationship between the variables of the study. The General Company for Textile Industries / Al Hilla was chosen as a group for the study to conduct the research and test its hypotheses, and then choose an intended sample consisting of (29) leadership positions that included the general manager, the assistant general manager and members The board of directors and heads of production and service departments, and the questionnaire was adopted for this purpose, as well as personal interviews in order to support the accuracy of the answers and in order to obtain balanced answers. The study used a set of statistical methods to analyze the data, and the results were extracted using the SPSS computer program. Ver. 13, Windows 2004 under Windows. The study reached a number of conclusions, including: the focus of the company’s leadership on the exercise of strategic roles, the most important of which are strategic decisions because of their role in shaping the future of the organization, determining its goals and solving the problems it faces. A vision and strategic thinking to deal with conditions of uncertainty and instability. A number of recommendations were presented, including on the company, to enhance the role of strategic decisions to serve its success and superiority, and to emphasize the positive elements of strategic roles, including thinking and strategic vision, and translating the company’s strategy to adopt it after cost and quality, and then creativity on top of competitive priorities to Reality on the ground.