Strategic Planning for Human Resources as an Approach to Enhance The Proactive Work Behavior of Security Service Providers

(an Analytical Exploratory Study of the opasinions of asample of warkers  in The Wasit Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism Directorate)

To The Boord of the College of Administration and Economics / University of Kerbala, It is part of requirements for obtaining ahigher diplana,eguivalant in security strategicplaning

By student

Hussein Khalil Saeed Al-Tamimi

Supervised By

Assistant Professor Dr.

Hussein Hurajah Al Hasnawi


 This study aims to explain the strategic planning for human resources as an approach to enhance the behavior of proactive work at the level of a sample of individuals at the headquarters of the Wasit Intelligence and Combating Terrorism Directorate. and in order to achieve this, the strategic planning variable for human resources was measured in three sub-dimensions: (strategic process, human resource planning, Programs), and proactive work behavior was measured in four sub-dimensions (problems prevention, the employee voice, taking responsibility, and the employee creativity). The study started with a major problem that included several questions about the nature of the relationship between its variables in the field, the most important of which was (Does the researched organization apply strategic planning for human resources and what is its impact on proactive work behavior?).

 The study population included the headquarters of Wasit Intelligence and Combating Terrorism Directorate. The sample of the study was (152) officials and associates at the headquarters of Wasit Intelligence and Combating Terrorism Directorate. The questionnaire was used as a main tool in collecting data and information needed for the study. For the purpose of data analysis and statistical methods, the study relied on a set of statistical methods available in the two programs (SPSS V.24; Amos V.23). The study reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which was the existence of a statistically significant correlation and influence relationship between strategic planning for human resources and proactive work behavior. Finally, the study concluded with a set of recommendations, the most important of which is the necessity of investing the positive impact of strategic planning for human resources in proactive work behavior, through the researched organization developing proactive plans and deepening job awareness among the sample to benefit from that strategic planning for human resources and proactive work behavior.

Key terms : Strategic Planning for Human Resources – Proactive Action Behavior – Wasit Intelligence and Counterterrorism Directorate.