The Impact of Marketing Knowledge and Competitive Intelligence in Achieving The Excellence Performance

(An a Comparative Analytical Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Managers of Governmental and Private Iraqi Banks)

Thesis Presented to The council of Administration and Economics College in Karbala University As a Part of Requirements to Obtain Master

Degree in Financial and Banking Sciences

by Student

Hadeer Khaion Aashor Al – Juboory

Prof. Dr. Alaa Farhan Talib

Under broad developing in today’s world, the importance of marketing knowledge and competitive intelligence emerged as an essential anchor to supplement and financing banks with the necessary resources and expertise, information and technology and that have achieved excellence performance, as it has become necessary attention and action to adopt in all activities, can not be for the banks achieve success and achieve excellence in the work environment characterized by constant and rapid change, which were not owned by these banks have extensive marketing knowledge and the strong competitive intelligence. According to the above this study was modest to show the impact of the use of marketing knowledge dimensions of (explicit marketing knowledge – implicit marketing knowledge) and competitive intelligence dimensions of (Technology – People – organizational culture) as independent variables in achieving excellence performance as a dependent variable and its dimensions of (effectiveness – Response – financial efficiency), although the adoption of some banks to marketing knowledge and competitive intelligence to enhance the survival and growth of excellence in performance, but others do not realize the impact on the achievement of excellence of performance and here lies the problem of the study is working to develop appropriate solutions, and this study seeks to achieve several objectives, including: – 1 – Knowing extent of adoption of the researched banks for marketing knowledge and competitive intelligence and using them to achieve excellence performance . 3 – Knowing extent of variance of the governmental and the private banks in the adoption of the study variables . For the purpose of achieving the objectives of the study was developed model hypothetically determine the nature of the relationship between the dimensions of the independent variables and the dimensions of the dependent variable and in order to reveal the nature of this relationship has been the formulation of several hypotheses were tested using the means of advanced statistical and the application of statistical software (SPSS), and the study was conducted in the Iraq’s banking sector , where the information was obtained for the field through a form questionnaire prepared for this purpose and distributed to a sample of seven banks, including tow government and five domestic, the total number of respondents (76) members of the directors and heads of departments and officials of the People in the banks examined. And the study has arrived to several conclusions can be summarized that there is an impact of marketing knowledge and competitive intelligence alone & collective and directly and indirectly in achieving the excellence performance in the study sample banks. And then the study concluded with several recommendations and the most important of theme : 1- There is a necessity to paying attention by researched banks to marketing knowledge as an effective factor in achieving the excellence performance for Bank . 2 – There is a necessity to increase the interest of the researched banks to competitive intelligence in general because of their direct impact on bank edge from the other competition banks .