The modernization the oil refining industry in Iraq And Future Horizons

Athesis Submitted by

Ammar Mahmood Hameed

To the council of collage of administration and economics at kerbala
university in partial fulfillment of the requirements of Master degree in

economics science

Supervised by

Asst . prof Asst . prof

Dr . kadhim Ahmed Hamada Dr . Khalid Husein Ali

Summary In cluding of advertence the industry field that considers the moter which pushs fast towards the developed evoluations in the socity . the researcher directed his task for studying of the renew the oil industry in Iraq and the ways that is important for rising it , specially the refining industry where the Iraqi oil sector is the basic side in the Iraqi economy where the other industries always depents on it . so , the research in the ways of renew this industry and study their economy development effect on the other activities of national economy . the industry refining is cosidred one of the strategical industries in the region country special in the oil undevelopment countries that will make rapid for chief of economical development in the mother homeland . The refining industry can safe good and large economical sigens for the oregin country and we can see it’s one of the basic selections for getting vary sources of national income through making raw oil and export it as high productions , in addition to that it can take part the technical transportation by training the local labors , the activities of instaulation and the units of refining with co-operation with the forgeiners experts . By the development of the industry we can work the labors and that will conclude to refresh the economy in addition the participation to develop the last and next industries which is connected with refining activity and keeping the source of oil not to exhause early and that will be by shrinking the basic considerations on its exportation as raw oil for supporting the government . The research included three basic points : 1 – condition the exhaustion the source of oil , chief the lasting development and renew the refining industry . 2 – close the demanding gap for the oil productions and the necessity renew of refining industry. 3 – keeping the economical national sources and clean invironment by renew the refining industry . As result for that , the researcher have gotten several results like renewing of the national refining by enlarge and adding evolution units which have high technical level will strengthen their economics and increase it’s capacity and other benefits as keeping the raw oil from early exhaustion , vary national income sources and conservation of the power and water sources within the refining units on consider that it is scarcity economical values .