The relationship between organizational agility And cognitive intelligence and it is Reflection in organizational strategy implementation Applied study in Zain and Asiacell Corporation Communications
A Dissertation Submitted By
Jinan Mahdi Shaheed Al-Dahan
To The Council of the College of Administration and
Economics, Kerbala University, in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for PH.D. Degree in Business Administration
Prof.Dr Awad Al-Khalidy Prof.Dr Alaa Farhan Talib

This study aims to identify the relationship between the agility of
organization cognitive intelligence, which includes customers agility and
partner agility and Process agility . The agility of customer is an essential
part of the ability of customers management, operational and agility is
part of the ability to manage the process. Therefore, the use of cognitive
intelligence could boost organizational agility . Moreover cognitive
intelligence collects, analyzes, displays explanatory information for the
managers of the organization to help them make the right decision at
the right time. The Cognitive intelligence can help organizational agility
by detecting patterns and cases of customers, identify operational
opportunities and bottlenecks, and detect changes in assets and
competencies of partners managers so that they can realize, work, or
making decisions in a timely manner in order to implement
organizational strategy.
So this study began by problem representing by a number of
questions of intellectual and practical, and answer aimed to elucidate
the theoretical philosophy and intellectual connotations Applied
contents of the three variables that studied studio (organizational agility
– cognitive intelligence – organizational strategy). This topics is new on
the environment of Arab and stoical Iraqi , and then diagnose the level
of its importance and its impact and the possibility of their application in
companies. The study has been applied to these Zain and Asiacell
Telecom has been using a method by targeting analytical sample survey
of managers amounted to (116) respondent. The study used the range
Amos has been designed especially measuring instrument to collect the
necessary data that serve the study subjects. The study found a set of
conclusions one of them results showed that the interaction variables
(organizational agility and cognitive intelligence) affecting the
implementation of organizational strategy positive effect, since the two
variables go up together to explain changes in the implementation of
organizational strategy. The study concluded a set of recommendations
the most important work to strengthen the organizational agility in the
companies through the adaptation and speed of response to unexpected
changes and provide innovative solutions as well as companies adopt a
cognitive intelligence strategy, in order to collect the best of the
knowledge and integrated into the implementation of the organizational