Abdel Fattah Jassim Zaalan Muhammad
supervised by
Alaa Farhan Taleb


This study is aims at limiting the role of Bench Marking achieving the competitive advantage. [comparative study between Baghdad and Kufa factories for leather industry]. The main problem is limiting does Bench Marking affect in competitive advantage dimensions more specifically tries to answer the following questions which constitute problem of the study: 1- Is there difference between competitive advantage and tow other factories one has practice Bench Marking with international partner while the other has not. 2- Test relation and effects between Bench Marking and competitive advantage represented by (cost , quality , flexibility , delivery ) In order to achieve the aims of the study a sample identifies the nature of relation ship between independent changes Bench Marking and dependant changes which represent dimentions of competitive advantage (cost , quality , flexibility , delivery ) The study resulted in two major hypothesis of which many sub – hypothesis were derived from. General company of leather industries , specifically factories of ( Baghdad and Kufa ) was chosen as a sample the study. To find out the truth of these thesis, data related with the changes of the study style were collected by using (case study) style, in addition to personal interviews , filed observation , and annual repots at the two factories (study sample) for the years (1997 – 2002 ). Data were conducted by using the computer program spss – 12 for windows , a group of pxactical conclusions were counted according to description of changes of the study, identifying them and testing the in fluencial relation ship according to the style of the study. The main of these practical conclusions is difference in criteria of dimensions of competitive advantage between Baghdad and Kufa factories because Baghdad factory applies Bench Marking while Kufa factory does not Also Bench Marking contributed to the general company of leather industries through Baghdad factory for elaported shoes to take the first place in the Branch of lether industries, also raise of technology standards, developing the spirit of innovation and the forth chapter was devoted to test the sample of the study and thosis. The contain of which was divided in to two approaches – the first dealt with statistical analysis of connection relation ship among the changes of the study in general. The study is enclosed by fifth and last chapter which deals with conclusions and recommendations. It contains two approaches, the first contains the most important applied conclusions while the second presents some necessary recommendedations, putting them in front of the responsible people for making desisious in the two factories of Baghdad and Kufa.