The role of empowerment strategy in improving employee performance
Analytical study of the opinions of a sample of officers, employees,
and ranks in the Civil Status, Passports and Residency Directorate in
Holy Karbala
To the Board of the College of Administration and Economics /
Graduate Studies Department
It is part of the requirements for obtaining a higher diploma,
equivalent to a master’s in strategic security planning
Ali Atool Sihoud Sahlani
.Under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr
Ahmed Kadim Bareas
This current study aims to test the role of the empowerment strategy
through its dimensions (availability and ownership of information,
independence and freedom of action, possession of knowledge, self
managed work teams) in improving the performance of employees in its
dimensions (task performance, contextual performance, adaptive
performance). The study was applied in the Civil Status, Passports and
Residency Directorate in the holy Karbala governorate, and through a
sample of (240) respondents. The information on the study was
collected using a questionnaire form, and the data and information
obtained were subjected to a set of statistical methods with the help of
two statistical programs (SPSS.V25, Amos V23).
The study reached a set of conclusions, the most prominent of which is
that the Civil Status, Passports and Residence Directorate in Karbala
Governorate can enhance the performance of its employees by making
available the information required by them for the purpose of
conducting business in it. The current study came out with a set of
recommendations, the most important of which is the need for the
directorate, the study community, to enhance its employees’ possession
of knowledge in the technical and administrative aspects, and the need
for the directorate to pay attention to the topic of enhancing the
experience of its affiliates in order to address some complex problems
through specialized training courses.

Open words: Empowerment strategy, employee performance