The Role of Human Resources competencies in Achieving Strategic Renewal

 (An Analytical Study of the Views of a Sample of Employees of the Karbala Municipality Directorate)

A Thesis submitted to the Council of the College of Administration and Economics / University of Karbala, which is part of the requirements for obtaining a master’s degree in business Management


Zaid Salah Khalil Al-Dhalemi

The supervisor

Dr. Sahar Abbas Hussein Al-Zayadi


This study sought to test the impact of human resources competencies as an independent variable in achieving strategic renewal as a dependent variable, and in order to achieve this, the study relied on six dimensions of the human resources capabilities variable represented by (activity credibility, capacity building, champion of change, creative and integrated human resources, and advocate). Technology, strategic positioning) based on the (Ulrich, 2012) scale, and the dimensions of strategic renewal (content, context and process) were adopted based on the Flier scale, 2003). The Directorate of the Holy Karbala Municipality was chosen to test the hypotheses of the study, through the main tool for collecting data and information (the questionnaire) prepared for this purpose. The study population included 550 employees from the directorate, and the sample included (226) people in the directorate. The problem of the study was represented in a set of intellectual questions, the most prominent of which was (Does the research organization possess capabilities in its human resources that enable it to achieve strategic renewal). The importance of the study was manifested in its dealing with the service sector, which is one of the most vital sectors concerned with community service and the governorate. A set of statistical methods were used (Amos V. 23, Microsoft Excel 2010, SPSS V. 23). In analyzing and testing the hypotheses of the study. The study came out with a set of results, the most important of which is (there is a significant effect of human resources capabilities in achieving strategic renewal).                    

key Words: Human Resources competencies, Strategic Renewal, Karbala Municipality’s Holy Directorate.