The role of Quick response manufacturing to enhance competitive Priorities through Total productive maintenance

Applied study of the opinions of a sample of employees of the General Company for the Manufacture of Men’s Clothing in Najaf

A thesis Submitted

To The Council of the College of Administration and Economics, University of Karbala, As a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for PH.D. Degree in Business Administration Sciences.

Submitted By

Emad Wahab Abd-AlAmeer

            Supervised By                                  Supervised By

Assis Prof.Dr Mahmood Fahab         Assis Prof.Dr zaienb Maki

Quick response manufacturing processes are a contemporary method adopted by industrial organizations because they aim to improve their competitive position and can only be guaranteed to achieve this through comprehensive productive maintenance and the employment of their dimensions to achieve competitive priorities  in addition to meeting environmental changes by adopting Quick  response to changing environmental conditions and achieving a competitive advantage unique from other competitors.

The study addressed some intellectual and field problems, which aim to clarify the theoretical philosophy and intellectual indications and applied areas of variables (Quick  response manufacturing, Total production maintenance, competitive prioritites )  addressed in the study.

The importance of the study is illustrated by the presentation of treatments and proposals to manage the research organization and put it into practice and benefit from it in order to improve the reality of its performance. The study aims to demonstrate the impact of both manufacturing and Quick  response by returning it through the introduction of Total  productive maintenance by its dimensions in enhancing competitive priorities .

In addition to explaining the importance of these variables and the possibility of applying them in the Iraqi environment, specifically in the sector of the garment industry, especially in the research company “General Company for the Manufacture of Men’s Clothing in Najaf Al-Ashraf”, the sample of the study included a group of technicians and directors of the departments and the people in them, and a questionnaire was distributed to them.

The study relied on the experimental analytical method to measure the study variables by conducting the examination and analysis of its results and then testing the study variables using statistical means, including emphasis analysis, regression analysis, structural equation modelling, track analysis, etc.

The study found that there is a correlation of a direct correlation of moral significance between the three variables of the study with the existence of a correlation between the dimensions of the study variables (Quick  response manufacturing, Total production maintenance, competitive priorities ) and also found a clear effect of manufacturing by Quick  response in its dimensions in promoting competitive priorities directly and indirect effect through Total  productive maintenance.

The study urged the research company to take the philosophy of Quick  response manufacturing more important than before as it is the key to strengthening current and future competitive priorities  due to increasing competitive pressu