The Role of the Dynamic Capabilities of the Security
Enterprise in Enhencing Strategic Agility
An analytical study of the opinions of a sample of senior officials of the Federal
Intelligence and Investigations Agency in the Iraqi Ministry of Interior
Thesis presented to the Board of the College of Administration and Economics / University of Karbala
It is part of the requirements for obtaining a higher diploma (equivalent to a master’s)
In strategic security planning
Aqeel Wanes Mathath
Supervised by
Prof. Dr.
Meithak Hatef Alfatlawy


The current study seeks to test the effect of dynamic capabilities on strategic agility, as the main problem of the study revolves around the intellectual debate of researchers and performance problems in the Federal Intelligence Agency and Investigations in the Iraqi Ministry of Interior, which translated a set of questions based on the researcher’s perception, the most important of which is, what is the influence of capabilities Dynamism on the strategic agility in the Federal Intelligence and Investigations Agency in the Iraqi Ministry of Interior? In order to reach the objectives of the study, a hypothetical scheme was designed that clarifies the nature of the relationship between dynamic capabilities with their dimensions represented by (sensing, sizing, and reconfiguration) and strategic agility with their dimensions represented by (planning, organization, individuals, and technology), and a set of hypotheses has been built to know And the nature and direction of the relationship between dynamic capabilities and strategic agility, and the questionnaire was relied upon as a main tool to collect data from the study sample (the Federal Intelligence and Investigations Agency in the Iraqi Ministry of Interior) if the study population consisted of (193) individuals and the study sample (134) individuals represented ( Department managers, department managers, and divisional managers). A set of statistical methods were used in the study, the most important of which are (arithmetic mean, standard deviation, correlation coefficient – Pearson, and structural modeling equation). The study reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which is the existence of a strong correlation, meaning that capabilities Dynamism is an important pillar that contributes greatly to achieving strategic agility, and dynamic capabilities have a good impact on changes or developments. T can occur in strategic agility, and based on these conclusions, the researcher presented a set of recommendations, the
most prominent of which was the invitation of the Federal Intelligence and Investigations Agency in the Iraqi Ministry of Interior to enhance its interest in dynamic capabilities, their dimensions and investment due to its important role in enhancing its field of work that is closely related to the external environment, the necessity Investing strategic agility and its dimensions when developing strategic plans for its work, so that the plans are more flexible and achieve a rapid response to changes in the environment.
Key Words: Dynamic Capabilities, Strategic Agility, Federal Intelligence and Investigative Agency in the Iraqi Ministry of Interior.