Using Box -Jenkins’s models for analysis Road Accident Fatalities In Holly Karbala for the period (2010-2015)
Saba Jessoom Oglah
Prof. Dr. Adnan Karim Najim Al-Din

Time series Approach considered of important topics that it deals with the behavior of phenomena and its interpretations through different periods of time . This thesis aims to analyze Road Accident Fatalities in Holly Kerbala for period (2010 – 2015 ) using time series technique ( Box&Jenkins ) method. The outcome of the series analysis showed that the appropriate model is ARIMA )0,1,1). According to this model 10 years forecasts in monthly base was obtained for the Road Accident Fatalities in Holly Karbala for the period (2016 -2026 )One of the important findings of this thesis is the consistency of the forecasts with the observed one which refers to the efficiency of the model.