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Statistical methods for selecting the optimal locations for schools in the Holy Karbala Governorate using (GIS)

A thesis submitted to the council of the college of Administration &Economics\ University of Karbala as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Statistics Sciences.


Wael Abdul Hussein Kazem

Under supervision
Ass. Prof.. Dr . Mahdi Wahab Nea’ama Naser Allah

The geographic information systems are of great importance in the process of planning and spatial and geographical analysis in all applied matters and various fields, not as programs for preparing maps and providing the required information. Rather, these programs have the ability to distribute data on maps and conduct matching, analysis, organization and classification processes, as it is easy and quick to conduct analysis. For big data such as data and statistics, finding the most appropriate solutions and making the best decisions.
Methods of multi-criteria decision-making, one of these methods is the Hierarchy Process The Analytic, analyzing a set of criteria and factors that have a major influence in the process of selecting sites and extracting the matrix for pairwise comparisons that are based on the weighted probability weights that result from the basic vectors of the decision matrix. A weighting methodology (weighting) was developed for each of these factors, and based on the relative priorities of the criteria based on the decision matrix.
Through the results, it was concluded that the GIS programs have tremendous potential in the process of optimal selection of school sites and the preparation of a geographic database for the educational sector that can be updated periodically that can be relied upon in planning processes. The optimal sites for building schools have been reached after analyzing the factors affecting them. Selection process There are many things that directly affect the process of optimal selection of school sites, and the probability weights of pairwise comparisons of the criteria were the number of school-age population (25.1), the number of students (23.7), the distance to the sites from gas stations (21.6) and their proximity to public and open spaces (10.5). And its distance from the main street (8.4) its distance from the police stations (5.2) its proximity to the health centers (4.9) and the sites of the schools that have been suggested according to the importance of the (AHP) method are classified as follows (Excellent in fit, good in fit, medium in fit, acceptable in fit, Poor fit,Inappropriateness) Therefore, the AHP method is of great importance in the ideal site selection process for schools.
Keywords: (MCDM, GIS, AHP Hierarchical Analysis Process))