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Economic feasibility study for investment

Economic feasibility study for investment
projects/AL-kawthar commercial
complex/ karbalaa case study

Research Submitted by the student

Shahad saud alkaabi

presented to the Board of the Faculty of Management and Economics at the University of Karbala as part of the requirements for obtaining the degree of higher diploma in the economics of investment and feasibility studies

Supervised by
Shaima Rashid Moheisen


Investment   projects are one of the tools that are filling and guiding the economic resources available to reach the optimal specialization of resources that achieve economic growth
Where the business projects are the largest part of  the investment sector in the province of Karbala because  of the role they play as it is appointed a large number of working alias and it is a source of seif-employment and reduce the problem of unemployment it is a complementary projects for the needs of the great community where the research aims to develop a scientific and practical approach delighting the importance of standards used to take the proper investment decision
As commercial projects increased in recent years in Karbala governorate as a result of the increase in demand for luxury goods added to the movement of visitors to the governovate and as a result the importance of the economic feasibility study for commercial projects has emerged