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Using Multiple-Criteria Decision Analysis for Emergency Health Centers for the Visit Million Based-Gis (Holy Governorate of Karbala)

Using Multiple-Criteria Decision Analysis for Emergency Health Centers for the Visit Million Based-Gis (Holy Governorate of Karbala)

Mahdi Wahhab Neamah
Ali M. Alskmani

Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development

This research aims at presenting a scientific method in the integration of statistical method and statistical programs in the arrangement and analysis of raw data to obtain criteria and weights used with GIS programs and spatial analysis in locating the emergency health centers for the visit of the Labrabinia within the center of the holy province of Karbala and (The number of visitors to the centers, the health center near the Husseiniya procession, the flow of visitors entering the city center, the influx of visitors out of the city center and the number of Hussainian processions within the area of each proposed health center).
While using the analytical hierarchy method (AHP) using the matlab program for the purpose of analyzing the factors and limiting them in the main factors and knowing which factor is the most influential. Based on the results of the analysis of the matrimonial matrix based on the weights resulting to the main vectors For the decision matrix, the weighting method for each of these factors was determined. Therefore, based on the Priorities for Criteria, it was found that the potential weights for the criteria based on the marital comparisons are (12.7)) And near the health center of the procession Husseiniya (27.7) and the flow of visitors entering the city center (5.7) and the flow of visitors a departure from the city center (3.3) and the number of processions Husseiniya within the area of each proposed health center (50.7)).

Keywords: Multi-standard MCDM; GIS; choice of health center sites; AHP.